Good grief, another Edible Review! The boys and I met up after our fifth exam in as many days to create this defiantly inappropriate podcast. The last edible review was so well received that we convened and set about reviewing a range of delicious saussies for your listening pleasure once again.

Our first saussie was the auspicious Polish garlic sausage from Lituanica in Snow Hill. 

Second on our salacious salami quest was the Bastides French minature salamis.

Keeping to the theme of dry cured French saussies, we moved straight onto the salami sec, from the deli in Waitrose Harborne.

From France, we sailed our saussie ship into the ports of Spain and England, for our next two sausages; the chorizo and pork & bramley apple from M & S Birmingham High Street.



Last, but neither yeast or least, the fabled cheese sausages from Lithuanica. Undeniably unhealthy, but equally devastating.

I hope you enjoyed this saussie poddy. Let me know what else you’d have us wrap our chops around for the next edible review!