First post of the new year. What a journey the past 12 months have been. I’ve posted on average every 3 days, bringing you the freshest content I could. I imagine as the coming year picks up, this may go down to merely one post every 4 days. But I’m at peace with this. One must moderate the amount of time they spend face to face with technology. Before I came to my senses, I would post to Instagram twice daily. That took so much of my time and really ended in nothing being achieved. I’ve come to my senses in many respects over the past year. 

I hope that the pervasive changes in my life have been reflected in my writing and the subject of my podcasts as well as my music recommendations. One of the greatest changes I implemented was to listen to at least one new album per day. My music taste has expanded massively. Though it may sound absurd, music and I share a deep connection. I’ve seldom been moved so profoundly moved as I am listening to magnificent music. But enough about me and the depth of change I’ve experienced in the past annum. Let me tell you about a pub. 

Once you get past the persistent subtle urine smell, this is a real top shelf pub. They have over 200 beers to choose from. As well as that, there is an impressive amount of cider on offer. Some smooth and some sparkling. 

The bar keeps are deeply knowledgeable. They know exactly which of their numerous beers is needed. My chums and I tried Belgian; English and even Japanese beers. I opted for several ciders. We left quite unbalanced. 

Overall I am quite impressed with this pub. The atmosphere is great; it is in the centre of town and there aren’t so many tables as to overwhelm with people. One of the problems I have with places like wetherspoons is that there are too many tables. If even half of them are full, you can’t hear yourself think. At the Postal Vaults, you’ll always be able to have a conversation without exerting yourself. I like this. 

You can see part of St Nick in the mirror

While the decor does consist exclusively of beer bottles; The Postal Vaults is well worth a visit. I’m glad that I found it and I’ll certainly be going back.