Hello and welcome to CEDRIC SUGGESTS, specially designed for those of us who are partial to a slice or three of The Culinary Arts…
But Nota Bene Dear Reader: this blog is NOT limited to my recipe and restaurant ramblings alone! I shall also take it upon myself to decribe my various other encounters and experiences in this wonderful world we all share. Expect recommendations of excellent service received, for example, and lively discussions on a variety of exhilerating sublects like as Fashion, Art, Education, Religion and Fitness my word. Not forgetting my regular Favourite Albums of the Month / Year feature. Are you ready? Then enter Freunde, Étranger, Stranger…

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Three Favourites – August Edition
Hello and welcome to this month's edition of Three Favourites. See below the selections which have made it this month. Elvis Presley - Blue Hawaii 1961 Charlotte and I were having dinner the other night, and listening to Elvis. The cover on his 1961 offering is quite...
The Annunciation with Saint Emidius – Carlo Crivelli
I was in London for a client meeting recently and Charlotte surprised me with a visit after I was finished. It goes without saying that the depths of my delight as this surprise are quite indescribable. One of our activities was to visit the National Gallery. One of...
A Hidden Life – Blessed Franz Jägerstätter’s Story
During the July heatwave, I yielded to the badgering recommendation of a good friend and invited Cedric and Nick to join me in watching A Hidden Life. Sitting in the stifling heat in stunned silence after the film, we all agreed that it was a devastatingly beautiful...
Bliss Release – Cloud Control – AOTM July 2022
A question has been intriguing me rather: what are the factors for choosing AOTM? Is it the album I have listened to the most all month (which would be Confident Music for Confident People by Confidence Man)? Or is it the best album I have heard all month (Probably...
London Bridge on the Night of the Marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales – Holman Hunt
By the kindness of my good friend Colin, Charlotte and I managed to go to Oxford ostensibly to see Grace Jones at the Kite Festival. We did not want to spend the day in a field for the one artist we wanted to see, so we spent most of the day in Oxford. Among our...
Topokki – Excellent Peaceful Korean, Chinese Quarter, Birmingham
I should put out there that my darling Charlotte has the most excellent taste in restaurants, among other things, and this suggestion of hers was no exception. In a city suffused with bars serving food and tinnitus, actual restaurants are a rarity. This is one such...